By ToniM on July 02, 2009
Основни податоци Контакт:
Машински факултет,Карпош II б.б., П. фах 464, 1000 Скопје, Република Северна Македонија
Ангажираност во настава Додипломски студии:
Инженерска графика, Машински елементи, Конструирање, 3Д моделирање и визуелизација.
Научни трудови
Т. Rizov , B. Jovanoski: Positive Macedonian Experiences with Foreign Funded Projects: Cases of USAID and ADA Funded Projects, International Conference: To meet the Challenge: Perspectives for project financed research and project oriented research institutions in Southeast Europe, ASO Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, November 2006.
А. Kocov, Т. Rizov : Supply Chain Management – tools for raising competitiveness of Macedonian tool and die companies, Kuehne+Nagel workshop on logistics and transportation, Skopje, 2007.
A.Kocov, T. Rizov : Creating Comprehensive e-Library for the Macedonian Machine-Tool Industry; 14th International Science Conference Industrial Systems 08, Novi Sad, Serbia, October 2008.
R. Polenakovic, А. Kocov, Т. Rizov : Supply Chain Management – the key for improving Macedonian Machine Tool SMEs’ Competitiveness, 6th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies, Bled, Slovenia, September 2007.
R. Polenakovic, T. Rizov : Advanced technologies for ultimate Supply Chain Management; 3rd International Conference on Mass Customization and Personalization in South East Europe (MCP-CE 2008), Palic, Serbia, June 2008.
R. Polenakovic, T. Rizov , A. Kocov, J. Clendenin: Supply Chain Management – experiences from our country; 12th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Logistics – Logistics in South East Europe: Crossroads of International Trade, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 2008.
А. Kocov, T. Rizov : Competitiveness of Clusters in Macedonia; 7th International Conference on Industrial Tools and Material Processing Technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 2009.
R. Polenakovic, T. Rizov : Benefits of Introducing RFID Technology in the Customs Procedures; 1st Olympus International Conference on Supply Chains, Katerini, Greece, October 2010.
A. Kocov, T. Rizov : ICT-based solution for trade facilitation along international supply chains; Mechanical Engineering – Scientific Journal Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2010 Skopje.
J. Micevska, T. Rizov : Market positioning in the process of design of new product ; 4th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, Ohrid, Macedonia, May 2011.
A. Kocov, T. Rizov : Implementation of Low Carbon Technologies in Agro-industry in Macedonia; 15th European Round Table on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP), 2-4 May 2012, Bregenz, Austria.
N. Avramov, P. Simonovski, T. Rizov : Over- And Understeer Behavior Evaluation by Modeling Steady –State Cornering; International Journal Analele Universităţii "Eftimie Murgu", 2012, Romania.
T. Rizov , R. Tashevski: Augmented Reality in Executing Practical Excercises in Engineering Graphics ; International Conference MONGEometrija 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia, June 2012.
T. Rizov , R. Tashevski: Geo-Based Augmented Reality; Mechanical Engineering Scientific Journal, Vol. 31, Number 1-2, December 2013, Skopje, Macedonia.
T. Rizov : "Application of Augmented Reality in Interactive Pedestrian Navigation Systems"; American Journal of Science and Technology, pp: 11-16, Vol.1, No.1, March 2014, USA.
A. Kochov, T. Rizov : Developing Joint Postgraduate Studies on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in South East Europe; European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, 14-16 October 2014, Portoroz, Slovenia.
P. Pejic, T. Rizov , S. Krasic, B. Stajic: Augmented Reality Application in Mechanical Engineering; 3rd International Congress Science and Management of Automotive and Transportation Engineering – SMAT 2014, 23-25 October 2014, Craiova, Romania.
Книги и учебни помагала
Симоновски П., Мирчески И., Ризов Т. , Аврамов Н., „Упатство за изработка на првата програмска задача по предемтот машински елементи 1 “, учебно помагало, Машински факултет, Скопје, 2009.
Симоновски П., Мирчески И., Ризов Т. , Аврамов Н., ”Упатство за изработка на втората и третата програмска задача по предметот машински елементи 1 (вратило и спојница) ” , Скопје, јануари 2009.
Симоновски П., Мирчески И., Ризов Т. , Аврамов Н., “Упатство за изработка на втората програмска задача по предметите машински елементи 2 и машински елементи во енергетиката (едностепен цилиндричен редуктор) ”, Скопје, април 2009.
Симоновски П., Мирчески И., Ризов Т ., Аврамов Н., “Упатство за изработка на првата програмска задача по предметот машински елементи 2 и машински елементи во енергетиката (фрикциони преносници) ”, Скопје, февруари 2009.
Поленаковиќ Р., Ризов Т. , „Бизнис Логистика “, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ – Скопје, Скопје 2014.
Проекти Projects
International Project for implementation of supply chain management solutions in Macedonian SMEs from the machine-tool industry
Supported by: e-BIZ USAID
Implemented by: CIRKO MES CE
Duration: 1 year (2008)
International Project for implementation of trade facilitation in inward processing for Macedonian textile companies
Supported by: BEA USAID and Macedonian Customs
Implemented by: ICL Group doo Skopje
Duration: 1 year (2009)
International Project for implementation of trade facilitation along Corridor X
Supported by: USTDA and Macedonian Customs
Implemented by: ICL Group doo Skopje
Duration: 2 years (2009 - 2010)
International Project for Cleaner Production Assessments in companies in Macedonia
Supported by: UNIDO
Implemented by: National Centre for Cleaner Production - Macedonia
Duration: 2 years (2008 - 2010)
International Project for introducing Numerical Simulation in Mechanical Engineering Courses (TEMPUS IV)
Supported by: EU Tempus programme
Implemented by: Faculty of mechanical engineering – Skopje, Vrije University Belgium
Duration: 2 years (2009 - 2011)
International Project for curricula development for Industrial design and marketing (TEMPUS IV)
Supported by: EU Tempus programme
Implemented by: Faculty of mechanical engineering – Skopje, Fachoshculle Achhen
Duration: 2 years (2010 - 2011)
International Project for Cleaner Production Assessments in companies in the Agroindustry in Macedonia
Supported by: UNIDO
Implemented by: National Centre for Cleaner Production - Macedonia
Duration: 2 years (2010 - 2012)
International Project for Transport EU-Western Balkan Network for Training, Support and Promotion of Cooperation in FP7 Research Activities
Supported by: EU FP7 programme
Implemented by: Faculty of mechanical engineering – Skopje
Duration: 2 years (2009 - 2010)
International Project for introducing Low Carbon Technologies in companies in the Agroindustry in Macedonia
Supported by: UNIDO
Implemented by: National Centre for Cleaner Production - Macedonia
Duration: 2 years (2012 - 2014)
Conducted Trainings
International Project for implementation of supply chain management solutions in Macedonian SMEs from the machine-tool industry
Supported by: e-BIZ USAID
Implemented by: CIRKO MES CE
Duration: 1 year (2008)
International Project for implementation of trade facilitation in inward processing for Macedonian textile companies
Supported by: BEA USAID and Macedonian Customs
Implemented by: ICL Group doo Skopje
Duration: 1 year (2009)
International Project for implementation of trade facilitation along Corridor X
Supported by: USTDA and Macedonian Customs
Implemented by: ICL Group doo Skopje
Duration: 2 years (2009 - 2010)
International Project for Cleaner Production Assessments in companies in Macedonia
Supported by: UNIDO
Implemented by: National Centre for Cleaner Production - Macedonia
Duration: 2 years (2008 - 2010)
International Project for introducing Numerical Simulation in Mechanical Engineering Courses (TEMPUS IV)
Supported by: EU Tempus programme
Implemented by: Faculty of mechanical engineering – Skopje, Vrije University Belgium
Duration: 2 years (2009 - 2011)
International Project for curricula development for Industrial design and marketing (TEMPUS IV)
Supported by: EU Tempus programme
Implemented by: Faculty of mechanical engineering – Skopje, Fachoshculle Achhen
Duration: 2 years (2010 - 2011)
International Project for Cleaner Production Assessments in companies in the Agroindustry in Macedonia
Supported by: UNIDO
Implemented by: National Centre for Cleaner Production - Macedonia
Duration: 2 years (2010 - 2012)
International Project for Transport EU-Western Balkan Network for Training, Support and Promotion of Cooperation in FP7 Research Activities
Supported by: EU FP7 programme
Implemented by: Faculty of mechanical engineering – Skopje
Duration: 2 years (2009 - 2010)
International Project for introducing Low Carbon Technologies in companies in the Agroindustry in Macedonia
Supported by: UNIDO
Implemented by: National Centre for Cleaner Production - Macedonia
Duration: 2 years (2012-2014)
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