Ammonia Refrigeration Technology

for Today and Tomorrow

International Conference
- Ohrid 2007 -


1st day sessions2d day sessionsWorkshopSightseeing in OhridGala dinner

1st day sessions

Lambert Kuijpers
Anders Lindborg
Andy Pearson

Klaas Visser
Valerie Gibert
Bernd Kaltenbrunner

Hans Haukas
Dermot Cotter

Andrew Gigel
Gert Nielsen

Antonio Lecuona
Mihail-Dan Staicovici

Bernhard Schrempf
Carole Prier
Peter Horrocks

Panel discussion (A. Pearson)
Panel discussion

Natural Refrigerants Funds - Discussion on the initiative

Michael Bellstedt: Experience in Australia
Risto Ciconkov: Elaboration of necessity

Discussion (N. Mednikova)
Discussion (K. Visser)